SubmissionEmailTemplate: Difference between revisions

From Tsadra Foundation Advanced Contemplative Scholarships
((by SublimeText.Mediawiker))
((by SublimeText.Mediawiker))
Tag: Manual revert
(30 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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%_subject=$firstname $lastname Submission for Contemplative Scholarship%
%_subject=$firstname $lastname Submission for Contemplative Scholarship%
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<b>$firstname $lastname</b> - Application for <b>$retreattype</b>, Received on <b>{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}</b>
<b>$firstname $lastname</b> - Application for <b>$retreattype</b>, Received on <b>{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}</b>

;Submitted on
You can find your application here:<br>

;First Name

;Last Name
'''First Name''': $firstname <br>
'''Last Name''': $lastname <br>
'''Date of Birth''': $birthdate <br>
;Date of Birth
'''Country of Birth''': $birthcountry <br>
'''Country of Nationality''': $nationality <br>
'''Street Address''': $street <br>
;Country of Birth
'''Address Line 2''': $street2 <br>
'''City''': $city <br>
'''State / Province''': $stateprov <br>
;Country of Nationality
'''ZIP / Postal Code''': $postalcode <br>
'''Country''': $country <br>
'''Email''': $email <br>
;Street Address
'''Telephone''': $telephone <br>
'''Type of Retreat''': $retreattype  
;Address Line 2
;State / Province
;ZIP / Postal Code
;Type of Retreat

{{#ifeq: $retreattype | Three-year retreat |
<big>''Three-year Retreat Details''</big>
<big>''Three-year Retreat Details''</big>
;Retreat Center Name

;Street Address
'''Retreat Center Name''': $center <br>
'''Street Address''': $centerstreet <br>
'''Address Line 2''': $centerstreet2 <br>
;Address Line 2
'''City''': $centercity <br>
'''State / Province''': $centerstateprov <br>
'''ZIP / Postal Code''': $centerpostalcode <br>
'''Country''': $centercountry <br>
'''Retreat starting date''': $startdate <br>
'''Retreat end date''': $enddate <br>
;State / Province
'''Retreat master''': $retreatmaster <br>
'''Retreat administrator''': $retreatadministrator <br>
'''Email''': $retreatadministratoremail <br>
;ZIP / Postal Code
'''Retreatant liaison person''': $retreatliaison <br>
'''Email''': $retreatliaisonemail |
;Retreat starting date
;Retreat end date
;Retreat master
;Retreat administrator
;Retreatant liaison person

<big>''Solitary Retreat Details''</big>
<big>''Solitary Retreat Details''</big>
;Street Address
;Address Line 2

;State / Province
'''Street Address''': $solcenterstreet <br>
'''Address Line 2''': $solcenterstreet2 <br>
'''City''': $solcentercity <br>
;ZIP / Postal Code
'''State / Province''': $solcenterstateprov <br>
'''ZIP / Postal Code''': $solcenterpostalcode <br>
'''Country''': $solcentercountry <br>
'''Retreat starting date''': $solstartdate <br>
'''Retreat end date''': $solenddate <br>
'''Retreatant liaison person''': $solretreatliaison <br>
;Retreat starting date
'''Email''': $solretreatliaisonemail <br>
'''Hermitage description''': $SolHermDescription }}
;Retreat end date
;Retreatant liaison person
;Hermitage description

<big>''Education, Professional Activity, Languages''</big>
<big>''Education, Professional Activity, Languages''</big>
;Professional Activity
;Have you studied the Tibetan language?
;What is your level of comprehension of spoken Tibetan?
;What is your level of comprehension of written Tibetan?
;To what extent is the Tibetan language a requirement for the retreat you intend to enter?
;What parts of the retreat will function in Tibetan: for instance, instruction, group rituals, individual practice? Please describe:
;Type a language you know:
;Select the proficiency level:
;Type another language you know:
;Select the proficiency level:
;Type another language you know:
;Select the proficiency level:

;Type another language you know:
'''Education''': $cv-edu <br>
'''Professional Activity''': $cv-work <br>
'''Have you studied the Tibetan language?''': $studiedtibetan <br>
;Select the proficiency level:
'''What is your level of comprehension of spoken Tibetan?''': $spokentibcomprehension <br>
'''What is your level of comprehension of written Tibetan?''': $writtentibcomprehension <br>
'''To what extent is the Tibetan language a requirement for the retreat you intend to enter?''': $tibetanrequiredforretreat <br>
;Type another language you know:
'''What parts of the retreat will function in Tibetan: for instance, instruction, group rituals, individual practice? Please describe:''': $tibetanretreatparts <br>
'''Type a language you know:''': $otherlanguage1 <br>
'''Select the proficiency level:''': $otherlanguage1Prof <br>
;Select the proficiency level:
'''Type another language you know:''': $otherlanguage2 <br>
'''Select the proficiency level:''': $otherlanguage2Prof <br>
'''Type another language you know:''': $otherlanguage3 <br>
'''Select the proficiency level:''': $otherlanguage3Prof <br>
'''Type another language you know:''': $otherlanguage4 <br>
'''Select the proficiency level:''': $otherlanguage4Prof <br>
'''Type another language you know:''': $otherlanguage5 <br>
'''Select the proficiency level:''': $otherlanguage5Prof

<big>''Buddhist Background''</big>
<big>''Buddhist Background''</big>
;When did you start to study Buddhism and with whom? Please describe:

;When did you take refuge, and with whom?
'''When did you start to study Buddhism and with whom? Please describe:''': $introbuddhism <br>
'''When did you take refuge, and with whom?''': $refugehistory <br>
'''Have you taken formal Buddhist vows (lay precepts, monastic vows, bodhisattva vow)?''': $formalvows <br>
;Have you taken formal Buddhist vows (lay precepts, monastic vows, bodhisattva vow)?
'''If yes, please describe them including dates and preceptor:''': $formalvowsdetails <br>
'''Have you completed the (full 100,000 each of the) Preliminary Practices (Ngöndro)?''':  <br>
$ngondro1 - $ngondro1begin - $ngondro1end<br>
;If yes, please describe them including dates and preceptor:
$ngondro2 - $ngondro2begin - $ngondro2end<br>
$ngondro3 - $ngondro3begin - $ngondro3end<br>
$ngondro4 - $ngondro4begin - $ngondro4end<br>
;Have you completed the (full 100,000 each of the) Preliminary Practices (Ngöndro)?
$ngondro5 - $ngondro5begin - $ngondro5end <br>
:$ngondro1 - $ngondro1begin - $ngondro1end
'''Have you partially completed the Preliminary Practices (Ngöndro)?''': $ngondroPartialComplete <br>
:$ngondro2 - $ngondro2begin - $ngondro2end
'''When did you begin?''': $ngondroPartialBegin <br>
:$ngondro3 - $ngondro3begin - $ngondro3end
'''How much have you completed? Other notes?''': $ngondroPartialDetails <br>
:$ngondro4 - $ngondro4begin - $ngondro4end
'''Have you completed previous group or individual retreats of one month or longer?''': $previousretreatscomplete <br>
:$ngondro5 - $ngondro5begin - $ngondro5end
'''If yes, please list and describe:''': $previousretreatsdetails <br>
'''Have you engaged in formal advanced Buddhist studies programs?''': $ynadvstudiesprogs <br>
;Have you partially completed the Preliminary Practices (Ngöndro)?
'''If so, please give details:''': $advstudiesprogsdetails <br>
'''Have you ofered your services to your lama or Dharma community?''': $ynofferedservices <br>
'''In what capacity and for what length of time?''': $offeredservicesdetails <br>
;When did you begin?
'''Other community work?''': $othercommunitywork
;How much have you completed? Other notes?
;Have you completed previous group or individual retreats of one month or longer?
;If yes, please list and describe:
;Have you engaged in formal advanced Buddhist studies programs?
;If so, please give details:
;Have you ofered your services to your lama or Dharma community?
;In what capacity and for what length of time?
;Other community work?

;Estimated duration (in months) for which support is being requested

;Start Date
'''Estimated duration (in months) for which support is being requested''': $retreatduration <br>
'''Start Date''': $StartFunding <br>
'''End Date''': $EndFunding <br>
'''Estimated individual cost for the full retreat''': $costestimateCurrency $costestimate <br>
'''Amount being requested (in USD / EUR / GBP)''': $requestedamountCurrency $requestedamount <br>
'''Other sources of financial support: (personal savings, family support, sponsors) Please specify.''': $othermoney

;End Date
<big>''Letter of Motivation''</big>

;Estimated individual cost for the full retreat
'''Please describe in your own words your aspirations and reasons for wanting to do this retreat and why we should consider your application. (~ 500 words)''': $letterofmotivation
:$costestimateCurrency $costestimate
;Amount being requested (in USD / EUR / GBP)
:$requestedamountCurrency $requestedamount
;Other sources of financial support: (personal savings, family support, sponsors) Please specify.
<big>''Letter of Motivation''</big>
;Please describe in your own words your aspirations and reasons for wanting to do this retreat and why we should consider your application. (~ 500 words)

{{#ifeq: $retreattype | Three-year retreat |
<big>''Required Documents for Three-year Retreat Applicants''</big>
<big>''Required Documents for Three-year Retreat Applicants''</big>
;A letter from the lama of the retreat confirming that you have been accepted as a participant.
<big>Name of the lama writing the letter:</big>
;First name
;Last name

;A letter from the retreat manager or administrator specifying the retreat costs.
'''A letter from the lama of the retreat confirming that you have been accepted as a participant.''': $FileHaveAcceptLetterUpld  <br>
'''First name''': $AcceptLetterAuthorFirst <br>
'''Last name''': $AcceptLetterAuthorLast <br>
'''Email''': $AcceptLetterEmail <br>
'''Phone''': $AcceptLetterPhone

<big>Name of the manager writing the letter:</big>
'''A letter from the retreat manager or administrator specifying the retreat costs.''': $FileHaveRetreatBudgCostUpld <br>
;First name
'''First name''': $CostLetterAuthorFirst <br>
'''Last name''': $CostLetterAuthorLast <br>
;Last name
'''Email''': $CostLetterEmail <br>
'''Phone''': $CostLetterPhone

;An outline of qualifications for entering your retreat and the extent to which you satisfy these qualifications
'''An outline of qualifications for entering your retreat and the extent to which you satisfy these qualifications''': $FileHaveEligibilityDocsUpld |

<big>''Required Documents for Solitary Retreat Applicants''</big>
<big>''Required Documents for Solitary Retreat Applicants''</big>
;A description of your proposed hermitage and of the practical support conditions that will allow you to accomplish your solitary retreat.
;A description of your retreat program including practices and schedules.

;A detailed budget of your retreat costs.
'''A description of your proposed hermitage and of the practical support conditions that will allow you to accomplish your solitary retreat.''': $FileHaveSolHermDescriptUpld <br>
'''A description of your retreat program including practices and schedules.''': $FileHaveSolRetreatProgUpld <br>
'''A detailed budget of your retreat costs.''': $FileHaveSolRetreatBudgUpld }}

<big>''Required Documents for All Applicants''</big>
<big>''Required Documents for All Applicants''</big>
;A standard résumé or curriculum vitae detailing your study and work history.
;A dharma résumé or curriculum vitae detailing your dharma history (both formal study and retreat practice - no need to list transmissions received).
;A recent head and shoulders photo.

;A clear description of your financial situation, including any personal savings or income, as well as any external sponsorship or support and your efforts to secure such support.
'''A standard résumé or curriculum vitae detailing your study and work history.''': $FileHaveCVUpld <br>
'''A dharma résumé or curriculum vitae detailing your dharma history (both formal study and retreat practice - no need to list transmissions received).''': $FileHaveDharmaCVUpld <br>
'''A recent head and shoulders photo.''': $FileHavePhotoUpld <br>
'''A clear description of your financial situation, including any personal savings or income, as well as any external sponsorship or support and your efforts to secure such support.''': $FileHaveDescriptFinSitUpld

<big>''Recommendation Contacts''</big>
<big>''Recommendation Contacts''</big>
''Number one''
;First Name
;Last Name

<big>''Number two''</big>
''Number one'' <br>
;First Name
'''First Name''': $recom1NameFirst <br>
'''Last Name''': $recom1NameLast <br>
;Last Name
'''Email''': $recom1Email <br>
'''Relationship''': $recom1Relate

''Number two'' <br>
'''First Name''': $recom2NameFirst <br>
'''Last Name''': $recom2NameLast <br>
'''Email''': $recom2Email <br>
'''Relationship''': $recom2Relate

Latest revision as of 06:51, 28 June 2024

%_to=$email%, %_subject=$firstname $lastname Submission for Contemplative Scholarship%

Dear $firstname $lastname,

Thank you for applying to our contemplative scholarship program. Below is a complete review of the information you submitted. Please save or print for your records. We will contact you shortly.

$firstname $lastname - Application for $retreattype, Received on 2025-01-19

You can find your application here:$page

Submitted on: 2025-01-19

First Name: $firstname
Last Name: $lastname
Date of Birth: $birthdate
Country of Birth: $birthcountry
Country of Nationality: $nationality
Street Address: $street
Address Line 2: $street2
City: $city
State / Province: $stateprov
ZIP / Postal Code: $postalcode
Country: $country
Email: $email
Telephone: $telephone
Type of Retreat: $retreattype

Solitary Retreat Details

Street Address: $solcenterstreet
Address Line 2: $solcenterstreet2
City: $solcentercity
State / Province: $solcenterstateprov
ZIP / Postal Code: $solcenterpostalcode
Country: $solcentercountry
Retreat starting date: $solstartdate
Retreat end date: $solenddate
Retreatant liaison person: $solretreatliaison
Email: $solretreatliaisonemail
Hermitage description: $SolHermDescription

Education, Professional Activity, Languages

Education: $cv-edu
Professional Activity: $cv-work
Have you studied the Tibetan language?: $studiedtibetan
What is your level of comprehension of spoken Tibetan?: $spokentibcomprehension
What is your level of comprehension of written Tibetan?: $writtentibcomprehension
To what extent is the Tibetan language a requirement for the retreat you intend to enter?: $tibetanrequiredforretreat
What parts of the retreat will function in Tibetan: for instance, instruction, group rituals, individual practice? Please describe:: $tibetanretreatparts
Type a language you know:: $otherlanguage1
Select the proficiency level:: $otherlanguage1Prof
Type another language you know:: $otherlanguage2
Select the proficiency level:: $otherlanguage2Prof
Type another language you know:: $otherlanguage3
Select the proficiency level:: $otherlanguage3Prof
Type another language you know:: $otherlanguage4
Select the proficiency level:: $otherlanguage4Prof
Type another language you know:: $otherlanguage5
Select the proficiency level:: $otherlanguage5Prof

Buddhist Background

When did you start to study Buddhism and with whom? Please describe:: $introbuddhism
When did you take refuge, and with whom?: $refugehistory
Have you taken formal Buddhist vows (lay precepts, monastic vows, bodhisattva vow)?: $formalvows
If yes, please describe them including dates and preceptor:: $formalvowsdetails
Have you completed the (full 100,000 each of the) Preliminary Practices (Ngöndro)?:
$ngondro1 - $ngondro1begin - $ngondro1end
$ngondro2 - $ngondro2begin - $ngondro2end
$ngondro3 - $ngondro3begin - $ngondro3end
$ngondro4 - $ngondro4begin - $ngondro4end
$ngondro5 - $ngondro5begin - $ngondro5end
Have you partially completed the Preliminary Practices (Ngöndro)?: $ngondroPartialComplete
When did you begin?: $ngondroPartialBegin
How much have you completed? Other notes?: $ngondroPartialDetails
Have you completed previous group or individual retreats of one month or longer?: $previousretreatscomplete
If yes, please list and describe:: $previousretreatsdetails
Have you engaged in formal advanced Buddhist studies programs?: $ynadvstudiesprogs
If so, please give details:: $advstudiesprogsdetails
Have you ofered your services to your lama or Dharma community?: $ynofferedservices
In what capacity and for what length of time?: $offeredservicesdetails
Other community work?: $othercommunitywork


Estimated duration (in months) for which support is being requested: $retreatduration
Start Date: $StartFunding
End Date: $EndFunding
Estimated individual cost for the full retreat: $costestimateCurrency $costestimate
Amount being requested (in USD / EUR / GBP): $requestedamountCurrency $requestedamount
Other sources of financial support: (personal savings, family support, sponsors) Please specify.: $othermoney

Letter of Motivation

Please describe in your own words your aspirations and reasons for wanting to do this retreat and why we should consider your application. (~ 500 words): $letterofmotivation

Required Documents for Solitary Retreat Applicants

A description of your proposed hermitage and of the practical support conditions that will allow you to accomplish your solitary retreat.: $FileHaveSolHermDescriptUpld
A description of your retreat program including practices and schedules.: $FileHaveSolRetreatProgUpld
A detailed budget of your retreat costs.: $FileHaveSolRetreatBudgUpld

Required Documents for All Applicants

A standard résumé or curriculum vitae detailing your study and work history.: $FileHaveCVUpld
A dharma résumé or curriculum vitae detailing your dharma history (both formal study and retreat practice - no need to list transmissions received).: $FileHaveDharmaCVUpld
A recent head and shoulders photo.: $FileHavePhotoUpld
A clear description of your financial situation, including any personal savings or income, as well as any external sponsorship or support and your efforts to secure such support.: $FileHaveDescriptFinSitUpld

Recommendation Contacts

Number one
First Name: $recom1NameFirst
Last Name: $recom1NameLast
Email: $recom1Email
Relationship: $recom1Relate

Number two
First Name: $recom2NameFirst
Last Name: $recom2NameLast
Email: $recom2Email
Relationship: $recom2Relate