Longchen Jigme Samten Ling

From Tsadra Foundation Advanced Contemplative Scholarships
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Longchen Jigme Samten Ling


Longchen Jigme Samten Ling, our long-term retreat center located in the spectacular foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, is the jewel of our organization. The name means “the meditation place of the fearless great expanse.” The great 13th century master Longchen Rabjam said that nature provides a perfect support for resting in “the mind of uncontrived naturalness” which lies at the heart of the Buddhist Vajrayana tradition. The rugged beauty of this location, overlooking the vast expanse of the San Luis Valley, makes an ideal environment for retreat. What occurs here is, in Rinpoche's words, "the very core of what we do."

Longchen Jigme Samten Ling has been supporting retreat in our sangha since 1995. A dozen retreat cabins, each sponsored by an individual donor, are occupied year-round by both long-term retreatants and a continuous rotation of students in 100-day retreat. Rinpoche guides each individual at his or her own level, and there are two resident drubpons, or retreat masters, available to help clarify any instructions or otherwise support retreatants.

Samten Ling is a self-sufficient world, offering retreatants a balanced mix of solitude and support that facilitates their deep engagement with the practices of this path. Through the maturation of the practitioners on the land, and through the communication between them and Rinpoche, what has evolved at Samten Ling is a refined understanding of what works best to support Western practitioners in retreat. Our aspiration is for Samten Ling to be a fertile ground on which the essence of the Longchen Nyingtik lineage may ripen in many beings, now, and long into the future.

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Contact information

Address: , Crestone, CO 81131, USA (US)
Contact email: msbsecretary@mangalashribhuti.org

Center and program information

Website: http://www.mangalashribhuti.org/longchen-jigme-samten-ling
Head Spiritual Master(s): Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

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