From Tsadra Foundation Advanced Contemplative Scholarships
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$('#TfacsSubmission').ready( function() {
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function checkFields(classes) {
if( classes.filter(function() { return this.value === ''; }).length === 0 ) {
var status = $('input[name="status"]').val();
if( status === 'Complete' ) {
$('.form-status').addClass('alert-danger').html("Current status: <b>COMPLETE</b>. It looks like you've completed your application. Please revise carefully all the fields in the form and verify that your information is correct. You can then click 'Submit your final application' at the bottom.");
} else if( status === 'Saved' ){
$('.form-status').addClass('alert-success').html('Current status: <b>SAVED</b>. All filled! Status will change to complete upon next save.');
console.log('Setting STATUS to "Complete".');
} else {
console.log("Fields still missing.");
var fieldsMissing = ''
classes.each( function(index, val) {
if( !$(this).val() ){
var name = $(this).attr("name");
console.log( index + ': ' + name );
fieldsMissing = fieldsMissing + '<div>' + index + ': ' + name + '</div>'
$('.form-status').addClass('alert-primary').html('Current status: <b>SAVED</b>. Some fields are still missing.' );
function checkForm() {
$('#TfacsSubmission input, #TfacsSubmission select, #TfacsSubmission textarea').prop('disabled', false);
if( $('select[name="retreattype[]"]').val() === 'Three-year retreat') {
checkFields($('.MustField, .ThreeMustField'))
} else if( $('select[name="retreattype[]"]').val() === 'Solitary hermitage') {
checkFields($('.MustField, .SolMustField'))
} else {
console.log("Retreat type not set." + $('select[name="retreattype[]"]').val());
$('.form-status').addClass('alert-primary').html('Current status: <b>SAVED</b>. Retreat type not set.' );
function checkTables() {
if( $('select[name="retreattype[]"]').val() === 'Three-year retreat') {
$('').each(function(index, elem) {
if( $(this).find('.MustField, .ThreeMustField').filter(function() { return this.value === ''; }).length === 0 ) {
} else if( $('select[name="retreattype[]"]').val() === 'Solitary hermitage') {
$('').each(function(index, elem) {
if( $(this).find('.MustField, .SolMustField').filter(function() { return this.value === ''; }).length === 0 ) {
if( ($('input[name="status"]').val() === 'Saved') || ($('input[name="status"]').val() === 'Complete') ) {
$('#TfacsSubmission input, #TfacsSubmission select, #TfacsSubmission textarea').on( "keyup", checkTables() );
} else {
$('#TfacsSubmission input, #TfacsSubmission select, #TfacsSubmission textarea').not('#DummyField, #TfacsSubmitApplication').prop('disabled', true);
$('.form-status').addClass('alert-dark').html('Current status: <b>SUBMITTED</b>. <br> Your application has been submitted. The contemplative scholarship administrator will contact you shortly.' );